Salves are homegrown, medicinal herbs that get infused into a high quality oil for 4-6 weeks, combined with beeswax, and then used medicinally. We make two different salves here at Stivers Homestead. Our comfrey salve is most commonly used for achy joints, pains, arthritis, inflammation, or broken bones and torn muscles. You put comfrey salve on just like you would a lotion or icy hot for help relieving pain.
Our calendula salve is basically a Neosporin replacer. It is wonderful to put in cuts, scrapes, burns, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, etc. Our personal favorite uses are burns and diaper rashes for littles. It is amazing and gives instant relief!
Descriptions and information are for informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or illness. All pregnant women must talk to their doctors before using anything containing essential oils.